Friday, 20 August 2010

Hypnotize E.P. launch party

Yeah, you'll catch me down at the Old Blue Last tomorrow getting drunk off my tits. Whether that's before or after I touch mike I don't know, BUT I'm led to believe this time Danny D will join us to make it almost a full Alien Muzik team attendance. All we need now is for Nutcase to finish his time behind the door and it's a lot dot co dot uk for grime. Still though it should be a big night, it's more a thing of who ISN'T rolling as opposed to who is. And I'm hardly gonna miss a night like this when it's bang in the manor like this one is. Here's hoping everyone on the flyer shows up eh? :)


Thursday, 19 August 2010

Nearing completion

I'll give you one guess as to where I was yesterday afternoon.

................incorrect, I'm actually going ice skating the next time Arsenal play Tottenham, but I wasn't at Lea Valley yesterday.

No no, I was back behind a condenser mic going in over a remove-your-facial Kaychi production, ably assisted by my Alien affiliates Marger and Rival. End product? What do you think? Look out for that one on Truth Hurts, it's massive, I've been battering the rough copy I took out of the studio. In fact it's playing in my ears as I type this. Whee. I'm now two collab tracks and an additional verse away from finishing Truth Hurts; I know it's been taking ages, and that's because as I mentioned yesterday, it's slyly turned into a mixtape. And anyway it's well worth the wait so *thumbs up* bear with us yeah. Sweet.

Have to give a big shout out to everyone sending me positive feedback on my GrimeForum freestyle, it's always appreciated and spurs me on to do more work so saaaaaaafe. If you've not got your ear round that one yet, allow me to point you downwards towards my last blog entry, which includes the audio *points downwards* enjoy!

One last thing. Not been the best of weeks for Joe Cole has it. Firstly he gets deservedly dismissed on Sunday, then it starts getting peak for him off the field as well.

Wouldn't have happened if you'd insisted on joining Arsenal mate.

Wednesday, 18 August 2010



Finishing touches


*clears throat* So I was in the studio yesterday knocking out some bits for Truth Hurts which, having started off as an E.P., is kind of turning into a mixtape. Which is okay because all the tunes are stupid in the face/thought provoking/all that shit, so you're getting more value for your shekels when you cop that anyway.

Anyway! I'm back in today! This time with all the frontline Alien MCs (that's Marger, Deathstar and Rival for those of you who've only just yanked your heads out of the sand) and it'll be a familiar tale. Once this one's in there'll be two tunes remaining and then the promotional trail will go into full swing, which I'm bloody excited about I must say. I'm pretty sure if you love GRIME you're going to rate Truth Hurts VERY HIGHLY INDEED. That's how much I'm putting into it. Gonna be well worth the wait.

What's that? You want evidence? Weeelllll, I did a couple of separate non-E.P. bits yesterday, incluuuding this little freestyle for Grimeforum. I'm led to believe that there'll be a compilation release including my one, but if you want to hear it just press 'play' down there mate!

Kwam - Tear Down Freestyle [Produced by Sketch'E] by Sketch'E


Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Restart of the Cold War?

If this is anything to go by, it would seem that were the case. At least, that's what the old boy's club at MI5 seems to think. In the current climate I'd advise everybody to watch their thighs vigilantly, and refrain from entering into conversation with anybody who looks like these two. We don't want any accidents.

Moving on! The next few days are all about GRIME WORK! I'm in the studio today, tomorrow and possibly even Thursday and Friday, and while that'll mean I'll have to wait till Saturday to get rid of this fucking badger on my top lip, what it DOES mean is that I'll be able to send ALL the tunes for TRUTH HURTS away for mastering, and we'll be off and away on that one. I'm also in the process of organising a photo shoot for the purpose of promoting the release, so be sure to keep your eyes open for some shots of yours truly by a skip trying to look deep and meaningful. Or something.

And hang tight RIVAL as well, he had been bickering online last week but clearly something switched on in his brain, because he went away. Recorded a freestyle. Sent it to Logan. Who then played it. And almost made me smash my laptop to smithereens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you missed it (you suck if you missed it! You suck!) run over here and get that in immediately, the tune is 100% grimeurghdisgustingbutters. No shitchat.

Aight boom *claps hands together* that's your lot for now, I've got an appointment with a cuppa in the office. Heazy!

Monday, 16 August 2010


Oooooops mate. Something of a rick there eh?

......biddavafuckup all things considered.

Clearly thought he was still on set and in character. Hey, it happens to the best of us.

Somebody slap me!

LOL jk, if you slap me you'd better be my height and build mate.

But listen, Avalanch is back after his mixtape "No Invititation" with a free promotional offering called "Somebody Slap Me", which is pretty much a straight collab with Relentless, who provided all the beats for the release (you'll hear one or two of his bits on Truth Hurts as well, he's something of a not-that-secret weapon). Download that here, it's a decent release still.

Anyway *puts on market stall apron* what's 'appnin? Good weekend yeah? Mine was pretty good still, especially yesterday afternoon, although I'm currently trawling the net trying to find Manuel Alfuckingmunia's address so I can roll to his gaff and do my best to make him want to leave the Arsenal, the fucker. He just loves getting beaten at his near post doesn't he? Any David Eggnog and you let him score and think he's good, you shitta! ¬¬

But then Reina's rick was bloody classic wdgjeruigheurwghwierugh cheers pal, everyone's a winner! Your £5K stake on the score draw went in, and we didn't lose; saaaaaaaaaaafe! :D

*re-adjusts gassed hat* That's the sort of test that'll make us champions come next May, mark my words, this, THIS, is Arsenal's year again. All the signs are there *what signs mate* *don't question man ¬¬* that this is the year where we'll come again as a force to be reckoned with in English and, for that matter, world football. Watch.


Thursday, 12 August 2010


Is this how devoid of compassion some humans have become? I'm flabbergasted.

This hospital needs to sort itself out. Pronto-ish too. Idiots.

Hold on, you've got a queen and you can't even treat her properly? I know this great place guys, it's called Archway, got a lovely bridge there, nice and high, if you could all just attach an anvil to your arms and throw yourselves off the bridge we'd all be made up YOU WASTEBOXES.

.............they suck man

Wednesday, 11 August 2010

There really is! I'm just too cool for shcool

*provides evidence* *folds arms* Told you.

Check this story out as well, ha ha *inb4thefamiliaryankjokesresurface*

Silly sausages!

Boo boop, boo boop (F**k Urban FM :D)

Boopboopboopboopboop etc. What's 'appnin? Sweet?

Pretty sad tale this. My thoughts and condolences are with his family and friends.

Moving on, I experienced something of a long evening yesterday ¬¬ furthermore, I'll tell you the story of yesterday's "Urban Tales".

I get to Barbican station. There's no Hammersmith & City line service between Edgware Road and Hammersmith. Okay. I take the train to Bank instead of Liverpool Street, then endure lengthy walk from Northern line platform to Central line platform.


I sit on a packed, sweltering Central line train for 23 minutes. Walk somewhat shakily out of Shepherd's Bush station. And promptly notice to my consternation that the bus I need to get's pulling away from the station stop. Okay! So I start tearing up the road to the next stop, screeching to a halt at said stop seconds before the bus pulls into it (get in) only problem is I'm now hot and bothered AND THEN AT SHEPHERD'S BUSH MARKET ABOUT A BAJILLION PEOPLE GET ON THE BUS DAIFJGHEFIH so now I'm standing there in this bloody bus with the sweat pouring off and people treading on my toes and elbowing my ribs.


The bus takes around a month to make what should be a 15-minute journey before it finally spits me out at my destination. Okay, I'm thinking. That was a shit journey, I'm thinking. But don't watch that I'm thinking. At least I'll be able to give this set a good merk, I'M THINKING

...............(-_(-_-)_-) *my mates and I pulling incredulous faces*

After a shit journey in the rain, all I want is to be able to come in and MC without worrying about the mike lead fucking up or whether the CDJs are going to play silly buggers. Well you can take out the "or" in that last sentence and replace it with "and" because the gremlins were out in full fucking force last night. And that cunt manager of the station even had the cheek to come and interrupt our set to collect his fiver subs. What, do you think I'm going to run away mate? Yeah? So I must look like one of these snotty-nosed little kid MCs I keep seeing online right? One of those guys who would do anything to avoid paying £5 subs because I don't have a salary? Fucking wrong you ugly bastard. Sort your fucking studio out you shitta, making me drag my skin across London for that. Load of shit. Fucker. Try bring his dog in the room on some intimidation tip, fuck your fucking dog and fuck fucking Urban FM with a broken Supermalt bottle.

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Awful news

I've pretty much been in shock since yesterday evening. Can't believe it.

R.I.P. Smokey.

I've not seen him for around 2 years but nevertheless. I shouldn't be receiving news of his loss. Not like that. It's a genuine tragedy for everyone who knew him, however faintly, and my thoughts and best wishes are with all of his close friends and family at this difficult time.

From what I knew of Smokey, I can say that he was a genuinely good person. Rest in peace.

Monday, 9 August 2010

Back on the other side

What's 'appnin?! Been a wee while since I've updated here, you can blame Messrs Courvoisier, E+J, Malibu, Disaronno, Stella Artois, Kronenbourg and Tiger for that.

All now my liver's refusing to talk to me =( keep trying to bell him up but he's airing out all my calls, the little f**ker.

Aaanyway what's new in my world? Well Pulse did another of his arty-farty guitar remixes, and I reckon this may be his best one yet:

And check my pal Nico on the blog feature here. Big face all over the ting. Big up. I feel as if I'm going to have to get in contact once my E.P. promotion trail starts.....

.....which could be as early as next week, my plan at present is to be in the studio on Wednesday wrapping up the last couple of collab tunes, and I should be good to go. Which is good. I'm looking forward to putting it out there, and believe me when I say you should be looking forward to it. If you don't believe me ask Nico, he'll tell you what the levs are saying.

So that's that for now, I'm going to spend the next few hours kicking around doing a biddabidda this and a biddabidda that, have you got something to get on with this week? Get that in!

Let's go get those doubting b*****s together eh?! *Braveheart face*

Monday, 2 August 2010

Is that how you're going on son?

This guy has gone from being a joker in the church I used to go to, to being a bloody great footballing prospect. Brilliant effort, well proud of him. He'd better select Ghana though ¬¬

This week belongs to me

Not just Thursday. I'm claiming the whole of this week yeah? Schweet.

Anyway how was your weekend? *Family Guy Stewie voice* Good? Feel relaxed? Ready to tackle the next 7 days head-on? Gonna get that novel finished? You know, the one you've been working on for a while?

....yeah course you are *winks and gives thumbs up signal*

Check this out by the way, this was a pretty good way to round off what was very much a GRIME week this week just gone. Big up Pulse every time, some musically multi-faceted motherf**ker (did. You. Clock. That. ALLITERATION! I'm a f**king genius!)

Right that's your lot for now, I've got a newsletter to finish. Safe. Don't forget this is my week, not yours, you can have any of the remaining 19 or so weeks after this one. Nice one.