Thursday, 15 July 2010


They say laughter's the best medicine, so if that's the case I reckon I vaccinated myself for the next 4 years last night playing poker. It's always nice to win some shekels off your mate while slaughtering him at the same time.

Always nice.

So as I sit here at my desk pretending to have a far deeper understanding of golf than I actually do, I'm moved to extol the glorious nature of a good bit of BANTER (also known as "bants"). Really good banter can have you burrowing into the corner of a sofa with tears running down your face, all the while struggling for air (like when Mum/Dad would bring out the wooden spoon many moons ago), and when we get together to play cards.....Boy. Bare pars bruv. Shots flying everywhere and that, trust me. How can a man say to another man "You look like a retired G.I. Joe" ubfget78347hy65irtnhjdrghiifdth

disfjgnwerth894608ue59ujhtrjhesr *does 360 spin in swivel chair cackling at the memory*

Oh my life. Wow. It's that laughter that almost paralyses your whole body when the banter starts, that's what it's all about I tell thee. I reckon I'm going to be in a good mood for days as a result. Can't beat bants.

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