Monday 19 July 2010

Do me a favour and don't p*ss me off please. Thanks

I was watching the weather this morning on the Beeb, as you do, and just as I was reaching around the back of my telly to turn it off of joy (let's have it right, where would the word "little" fit in the description) appeared on the screen to promote a debate which I fear will end in an absolute travesty of a governmental decision, much like those seen in Belgium and France. For those of you unsure of what I'm blathering on about, read this.

I think this latest piece of news is particularly worrying because, in a world where paranoia regarding Islam seems to be stoked up by the media, I struggle to see how a frenzy won't be whipped up here in Britain on the subject, and then it won't be about liberating Muslim women, but rather "stopping suicide bombers" or some such similar shite. Not to mention the fact that, as far as I'm aware, this is supposed to be a land where citizens are allowed freedom of movement, speech, thought and expression.

If you ask me, a clamour to ban the burqa in Britain can, and will, only result in the continuation of the type of fear and mistrust of other fellow human beings that led to events like slavery, apartheid, colonization, et bloody cetera.

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